What an incredible week it's been at MusicFest Aberystwyth Summer School! After an intense composition summer school created by Nathan James Dearden lasting a whole week, I've returned to Essex with a completely redefined sense of myself as both a composer and a musician. I've been fortunate to have some new pieces workshopped by globally acclaimed harpist Catrin Finch, pianist Oliver Cuttriss, and students from the Norwegian Strings School. I immersed myself in back-to-back evening concerts, soaking in the inspiration and was exposed to genre fusions I thought were never even possible.

Jack Robinson, Neel Anand, Matthew Elderton-Lewis, Nathan James Dearden and Jasmine Bates
The atmosphere was rich with creativity and collaboration, providing the perfect backdrop for my artistic exploration in such a beautiful area of Wales. Having explored completely new fields of repertoire and theoretical practices, I've walked away with some extremely strong connections with some truly remarkable musicians, and I hope that we will all continue to flourish in the future.