I left Sweyne Park School & Sixth Form diving into the unknown of the creative arts world and university life. I owe so much to school and its staff as during my earlier school years, I was completely set on becoming an architect. Having done two weeks work experience in a local firm through the school, I realised it wasn't for me and instead, with the help of a passionate music department, I became passionate on working in the creative arts.
Five years since leaving, I was invited back to talk about my university experience and offer advice for pursuing a portfolio career in the creative arts. Taking the same journey to school that I walked for seven years of my life was quite a bizarre and nostalgic experience but it was wonderful to catch up with some of my teachers as well as (hopefully) inspire some of the next generation of musicians by offering an insight into academia in a way which was not available during my time at the sixth form.
I hope to be back soon with even more experiences, life stories and opportunities to share in the future!