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New chamber work: "Scrolling, scrolling... scrolling!"

Much to my own disappointment, procrastination is something I have fought against throughout my compositional years. While it is a habit that I have managed to break (although, admittedly, it still emerges from time to time), my phone inevitably ends up on my desk next to me while I scribble away - worst of all, illuminating and pinging at me during the height of creative episodes.


Scrolling, scrolling… scrolling! was written as part of Britten Sinfonia’s Opus 1 Scheme and aims to humorously symbolise how mobile phones and social media seem to now govern our lives. As a result, the music is built around multiple fragments reminiscent of notifications, which frustratingly interrupt and break any attempts at organic musical growth.

For more information about this work, follow this link.


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